New York Architecture Images- Midtown

General Motors Building


Edward Durell Stone  Emery Roth & Sons


767 Fifth Ave, bet. E58 and E59.


1964 - 1968


International Style II  


214,3m / 705.0ft, 50 floors  white marble  black glass
The facade of the 50-storey building is formed by piers of white marble with glass bays between, and the vertically soaring mass with a slightly protruding center rises to the height of 215 m.


Office Building






The site was previously occupied by the Savoy-Plaza Hotel (1927) by McKim, Mead & White
 "Under their seven-eighths-inch marble veneer those fifty-story hexagonal piers are actually hollow, bearing concrete columns carrying service ducts, a functional solution that frees the building's periphery of columns behind the windows and integrates services with structure." "Beneath the curious mixture of small-town department store and styling section décor is the kind of breath-taking skyscraper shell balanced in space that modern technology makes possible....Inside the building there is wall-to-wall marble. The Parthenon has come to General Motors. Pentelic marble by the ton from the same Greek quarries that supplied the Acropolis lathers the lobby walls; the rejects are upstairs. It is good to keep thinking of the Parthenon or one begins to link of luxury lavatories," 
 Ada Louise Huxtable, "Will They Ever Finish Bruckner Boulevard, A Primer on Urbicide," (A New York Times Book, Collier Books, 1972)

"The history of the site was intriguing. As early as 1870, Boss Tweed had decided that the site was the finest in the city for a new hotel and for the investment of the loot he had acquired during his reign as lord of the city treasury; he began excavations for a building he planned to call the Knickerbocker. Tweed's fall meant that The Knickerbocker never got built. The plot remained a vacant eyesore until the twelve-story Hotel Savoy, designed by Ralph S. Townsend, was built and opened in 1892. The public rooms were embellished with an array of marbles that must have been absolutely dazzling....Although referred to as a hotel, the Savoy was actually a luxury apartment house with more-or-less permanent residents. These included in 1914 Charles H. Hayden; Roland F. Knoedler, the art dealer; and Mrs. Rhinelander Waldo, who had just built an extraordinary Renaissance house on the southeast corner of Madison Avenue and Seventy-second Street but did not live in it."
Jerry E. Patterson, "Fifth Avenue, The Best Address," Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 1998.
